Thursday 28 April 2016


because I used lumion to make my lightrail stop like a lightrail stop, so I develop some extra detail part in sketchup according to the electroliquid aggregation " Being Unbounded for Relativity"

But am I doing the right thing? Coz like I feel like it seems like a stop becoz I add chairs, a sign, the fence and stairs, not the building itself.


  1. Hi Kelvin. The design does have some strengths but I agree that it is still relying a bit on the chairs, signs, etc. and I think that its because the elements aren't yet fitting their use. Perhaps if you were using the simple rectilinear shapes to create shade structures, benches (they dont have to look like a typical bench, they just have to be usable to be sat on so think outside the box), light structures. At the moment I think your design requires these additional chairs, signs etc in order for it to be used as a tram stop.

    First things first, put you design into the UNSW context so that you can design in response to the site. Your textures are looking real nice and working well. Im not so sure about the offset recangular rings. Also feel free to expand the design over a larger area, dont feel confined. If you're struggling for ideas browse through the other student blogs and it may spark some inspiration for your own ideas. Hope this helps. Cheers, Chris.

    1. mhmm,
      does this mean I should embody my stairs, chairs and other small details into my big structure..?
      not making an extra structure to stairs, but changing an original one to a stairs?

      and "free to expand the design over a larger area" means I can repeat the 2 concept based structure from week 1 more than once?


      Dont overthink it. See image above. Think about how people could interact with the architecture simply by making forms that suit how the architecture is to be used.

    Is this a gd reference? not above ground and extra structure but the idea of the embodying the structure into the building, such as the stairs?

    1. This is a very large scheme. Aspects of it are working well, however I dont think it is necessary to place such a focus on the stair seeing that the focus of EXP2 is 'the stop', not 'the stair', however the stair has been integrated with the architecture quite well. I think that was what you were asking???

    is this a suitable degree of extend to expand my model?

    1. This is probably a better example to explain my point -
      See how it is not an object in the urban landscape but actually becomes part of the urban context? The actual size of the tram stop is up to you.

  4. offset recangular rings >> are echoing the electroliquid aggregation
    as sun comes from NW at sunset and wind from west to east,
    by bring sun and wind into the station via the the void between the rings, hopefully it can makes the feeling of being unbounded by the structure

    1. The idea is good, they're just not super exciting at the moment. Maybe they can be used in a more evocative way? In they're current use they will only be interacting with the sun and wind in a minor way, if they were used differently they could affect how light comes into the architecture during the day or conversely how light eminates out from the architecture at night...

    ^ how I should embody my chairs or stairs? and other details?


      Refer what I was talking about with this image.

  6. so main things I have to deal with now:
    1) TO make my architecture could interact with people with its forms
    2) To make my architecture could suit the uses as a light rail station with its form

  7. Hi Kelvin

    Youre getting it now, however I would reword the first part to say;
    1) TO make my architecture so people could interact with its forms

    1. ^people could interact with the form itself , not relying external help
