Thursday 10 March 2016

9/3 Sketches Re-Do

To Chris,

Could you have a look on the following photo 9part of the sketches did after class)  and give some comments/feedback? Am I on the right track?

I personally like the "Future + minimalism", "Minimalism + Future" and "Modern + Advance".  Do you mind suggesting me which one should I work on?

Kelvin :)))


Future + minimalism

Advance + Modern

Modern + Advance

Minimalism + Future

Future + unstable

Minimalism + Energize


  1. Hi Kelvin. Looks great, some interesting spaces are developing! I think of the sketches so far, Minimalism + future is presenting itself as the most interesting to potentially develop into an architecture, however that's not to rule out the other two you liked. Remember you still need to complete all 18 sketches and upload before next weeks class... perhaps you'll come up with something else that jumps out and grabs you? Keep at it, you're on the right track. :)

  2. Thank you Chris :) I will work on the Minimalism+Future.
    I have finished 18 just that I selected the better ones. :)
